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Stronger After Broken

“But hearts are stronger after broken.”

These are lyrics from a NeedToBreathe song called “Slumber.” I thought of them after a friend and I were talking about our similar situations with relationships. We both had experienced relationships where everything seemed perfect. The other person made us feel like we could do anything when we were with them. They gave us confidence, passion, desire. They made us want to be the best people we could be. It seemed perfect! It didn't work out for either of us for different reasons. If you have ever had a relationship like this, you know how it feels when things end. It doesn’t make sense and you cannot stop thinking about it because it was so “perfect”. My friend kept saying that “it happened for a reason” and “God put those people in and out of our lives for a purpose.” I’m not sure I agree that God wanted it to happen like that because we all have free will. So I had the free will to choose to act or not act. However, I do know that God allows bad (or what seems bad to us) to happen so good can come out of it. In other words, he allows us to learn from our mistakes. I can say that I am a stronger person because my heart was broken. “Hearts are stronger after broken.” I am not afraid to love, even though love is going to hurt. Now that I understand that, it allows me to fall more deeply in love with Christ. Now, I understand a little bit of the pain he experiences every day because of my actions. I can now not be afraid to love other people with a more Christ-like love.

This relationship showed me not only how to love more deeply, but also that I am cable of being loved. It showed a small glimpse of the love Christ has for me and all of us. Christ loves us unconditionally. No matter what you do, he still loves you. However, that doesn’t mean what you do does not have consequences. It just means that there is nothing you can do that will make God stop loving you. So, sometimes it may seem like it’s the end of the world, or that nothing good came from it. And sure, in the moment it seems like it sucks, but it is going to get better, and if you trust God good can come out of it.

If we start loving like Christ and not being so afraid of heartbreak, we might find something truly great.

Just my thoughts

Go with God


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