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If you had to live the same day over and over again how would you choose to live it? What would you change? Would you change anything? Who would you talk to? What would you say? Is there something you would do? Is there someone you would save?

This concept is used in many movies. In most of these movies, the main character keeps trying to do things differently until they get it right. In the end, the characters usually have to give up something. In the last movie I saw, the main character had to give up her life. To save someone she had to be willing to die for them. This person has mistreated her whole life. She was made fun of and she didn’t feel like her life meant anything. When someone sacrificed their own life to save hers, she changed. She realized she had value.

There are some people that I know I would willingly give up my life for. I like to think that, if given the opportunity, I would die for anyone, including random strangers. However, I don’t think I will ever really know. Unless, of course, it happens. However, today I can start acting within this mindset. I can act like I would give my life for anyone. I can at least give them the time that I have.

If you haven’t made the connection yet… Jesus died for us. All of us. Why? Because He loves us that much. If the Son of the Father, God Himself, gave up His life for someone, I think I can at least give them my time. Maybe I too will be called to give up my life for someone else. In order to be ready for this possibility, I need to be giving up my life in different ways now. Something that I have been working on to let others know they have worth is putting my phone down when I am talking to someone. Talk to people and really listen to what they have to say. Get to know other people better. Love them. Jesus thought that each person was worth dying for, so we should also think this way.

I will end with the last line from the movie. I really like the last part as it is something I should try to live by more. What I do today matters. It can affect the lives of many people.

“For some of us there is only today, and what you do today matters.”

Just my thoughts

Go with God

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