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Live Like You Were Dying

“This life is just this life, so live for the next one.”

I’m sure everyone has heard the song by Tim McGraw, “Live Like You Were Dying.” I’ve known this song close to my whole life, I’ve maybe heard it a couple hundred times, and I also really like the song, so I add

ed it to a playlist to play at work. Recently, as I’ve heard and really listened to the lyrics, this song has taken on a whole different and deeper meaning for me.

I think a lot of people, including myself, tend to live for the future, which is fine and even necessary. We have to plan, save, and prepare. But for me at least, that has become a problem because I’m always thinking, “Well, there is always tomorrow, and I can just do it then.” And the truth is there isn’t always tomorrow.

In the song, he is talking about a friend who has been diagnosed with cancer and only has a short time to live. He asks him what he did when he got that news.

“I went skydiving, I went rocky mountain climbing, I went two point seven seconds on a bull named Fu Man Chu….” Now, this goes back to saving and being prepared for the future, we shouldn’t go spend all our money. But if there is something keeping you from seeing and doing things in this life that are on your list, then do them! God’s love can be seen through the beauty He has revealed to us. Go experience that!

“And I loved deeper, And I spoke sweeter, And I gave forgiveness I’d been denying....” I often find myself holding back on loving people and getting to know them well enough so that I can love them. I sometimes say or think that I will start tomorrow or the next time I see them. Don’t wait to love! Not just love, but deep love. Real, authentic love. Agape—Christ has called us all to love. Start showing that love, “speak sweeter!” Tell the people you love why you love them. People can go their whole lives not feeling loved by anyone, not knowing how truly loved they are. Show them. Forgive! Don’t wait till tomorrow—forgive the people that need to be forgiven, forgive yourself, and let God forgive you. Go to confession! This is a really big one for me. I always say, “I’ll go next week.” Go the first chance you get!

“He said, I was finally the husband, That most the time I wasn’t….” This is pretty simple but it’s not just for husbands….start being the son/daughter, brother/sister that you should be. Respect your family, love your family. Start being the person you’re supposed to be in those relationships.

“And I became a friend, a friend would like to have.” My favorite line in the song. “Be the friend.” What kind of friend would you like to have? Start being that friend to others. Pray and ask God to help you be the best friend you can be.

“Well I, I finally read the good book.” If you don’t read the bible every day, then start! That is God’s Word, and it is amazing. Read it and let it speak to you. Let the message of the love of God transform your life.

Start living like today is your last day. Experience God’s beauty. Start loving deeply. Start showing love, forgive, and start being the person you should be. You never know when your last day is. Start living like the Saints, Be ready for heaven.

Just my thoughts.

Go with God.


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