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Exodus 90

I know I’ve talked about this twice before, but I think that it was really helpful and I want others to learn what I learned. If you want more info to go here, but I won’t explain what this is again because I’ve already talked about it. I am going to talk about the three things I learned from doing Exodus 90.

One: Brotherhood! Now, this is something that I have always loved and has been one of my favorite things. I think it is because I have eight sisters, and I have always loved the idea of having that same number of brothers. Brotherhood is so important for guys who want to become the true men of God. It can be difficult and sometimes not appropriate to talk to girls about some of the struggles most guys deal with. We need to have that Brotherhood with guys we can trust to share with. I’m still working this trust. I don't think you have to share everything with all of your brothers, but it is important to share it with at least one. Find a group of brothers or at least just one good friend that you can trust, that won’t “judge” you, but will call out the best in you, that will help you to think about your life and be there for you no matter what. Make sure to let them be there for you. Let them call out the best. Be thankful that someone cares enough to love you pasted you fails. Do the same for them. There is no need in pointing out every little thing that they do that you don't agree with, but the things you think are going to hurt their freedom, nicely bring it to their attention. Once you talk about it in a nice healthy way, just be there for them. Maybe you were right, maybe not, either way, they might need you after. Brotherhood brings me right into the second thing I learned. Proverbs 27:17 – Iron sharpens iron, and one person sharpens the wits of another.

Two: Together! Now, this might seem obvious and it might seem like the same point as the first one, but I think it needs to be said. Some things are easier to do with someone else. Exodus 90 was not easy, we had to give up and add a lot and something that made it easier was that I wasn't doing it alone. I had seven other people doing the same things and praying for me. So, when I took a cold shower, which I hate, I knew that my brothers were doing the same thing. We were suffering together. If I forgot to do something they reminded me, they asked me why? What’s up? Questions I might not have asked myself. God doesn't want us to go through things alone. He is with us always! But also, he gave us our brothers and sisters in Christ so that we can help each other. Genesis 1:18 says, “Then the Lord God said, ‘It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper as his partner.’” The human was made for community, we need companionship. Humans need friendship. Things are easier to do when you have someone to do them with you. It is easier to get up if you fall down when there is someone there next to you. My last point comes in when you fail.

Three: It is okay to fail. In the beginning of this, we had two more guys doing it from our school. Other people would make jokes and bet on who they thought would fail first. About a week in one of the guys just stopped showing up for the meetings then told us he was done. He didn't really tell us why other than saying he had other things going on. It was fine, but it upset me because one of the points of this thing is to grow closer to each other and to help one another. Then, about 3 days later another one of the guys decided he was done. He didn't give us an answer other than the fact that he had already gotten out of it what he wanted to. I’m not judging them, and I do not at all think I'm better than them. Both of these guys are solid men and I am glad I know them. One of the things I think we didn't talk about enough was that it is okay to fail. We all did! Some days I just could not get myself to take a cold shower. Sometimes I could not get up for that 7 am Holy Hour. The ones of us that stayed learned that we all struggled with some of this, and there were some days we all failed. We told each other about it and we would even make that the topic of we talked about, how could we help each other. It is okay if you aren't perfect all the time. It is okay that you fail sometimes, it's even okay if you fail every day. You have to keep going, trying, and fighting. If you are honestly trying, eventually you will succeed. Not only will you succeed, but you will be so strong and you will be able to lead others to victory. Psalm 37:24 says, “though we stumble, we shall not fall headlong, for the Lord holds us by the hand.” The Lord is with you, when you stumble or fail, don't give up! Ask the lord to guide and protect you and He will.

These are a few of things I have learned from doing Exodus 90.

and these are just my thoughts.

Go with God


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