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“When you go after something you love, you’ll do anything it takes to get it, even if it costs everything.” – Bob Goff

I have never read the book this is from or anything from the author, but two of my good friends pointed it out to me a while ago. I can't help but think about it. This quote is awesome! I’m not sure if it's true about everything. I’m not sure I have really ever been truly in love with anyone, but this quote reminds me of how we are to go after Christ.

A few weeks ago, I stopped going to communion because I really needed to go to confession. I would still attend daily mass, but I would not receive. This went on for about two weeks. I kept really wanting to go to confession, but they had not set up the times yet. After about the first week and a half, I started to really want to the Eucharist. One of the days during mass I would have done anything possible to go to confession at that time, but mass ended and so did the feeling. Within the next 4 days, I went and then went to communion. It was great.

My point is why didn't I do whatever it took? Why didn't I give up whatever I had to go? I know I could not have gone during mass, but why didn't I find a priest right after? I had to ask myself do I really Love the Lord with all I have?

The answer is yes or at least I'm trying to. So why don't I go after him with all I have? I know that have talked about this in another post and it’s kind of common sense, but if you love someone one, you have to be willing to give up something. If you love someone you have to change your life for them.

Let's look at a sports player. Even though I don't follow sports that much, I really admire many professional athletes. One in particular is J.J. Watt. This guy loves football and his team. His whole life is centered around training and practicing for the game. Whenever he realized he wanted to play, his life changed. He has and does fight for this game.

I heard something earlier from someone who was a champion in whatever sport they played. She said there’s not any balance if you want to be a champion. She said you have to give all your time to that one thing. You can be mediocre in lots of things. Mediocre means “of only moderate quality; not very good.” I know I was not called to be mediocre in my life! I know especially in my faith life that God is calling me to give all I have! I know that he wants me to change my life for him. This doesn't mean he wants me to quit school and become a monk. It might for some, but in all cases He wants us to make him the center of our lives. He wants us to start making Him part of everything we do, including school. He wants to be a part of our friendships. He wants to be part of our relationships.

Stop settling for mediocrity. Stop settling for being not very good at stuff. Stop settling for what everyone else is doing. Be the best you can be at everything you are doing. Invite the Lord into your decisions.

I wrote something about Greatness a while ago so I'll keep this one short. If you haven't yet, go read that one.

"Something deep in the human heart breaks at the thought of a life of mediocrity."

C. S. Lewis

We are called to live our life the best that we can. We are all good to stop settling for just being ok at stuff. If you do something then do it! Do it with all you have and do it for the Lord!

I will end with this quote from Pope St. John Paul II:

“Do not be afraid. Do not be satisfied with mediocrity. Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.”

Just my thoughts.

Go with God.


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