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My Mind Won't Sleep

“My heart is heavy and my mind won't sleep”

I wasn't planning on doing this again, but this song is just too inspiring. "Water on Water" by Needtobreathe is part of the Hard Love cuts album. "Walking on Water" could be their best song. If you haven't heard it go listen!

“The wind is strong, the water is deep My heart is heavy and my mind won't sleep Oh can you heal, my fear it breathes I need to know if You're the shadow I can see.”

Though it seems somewhat obvious to state this, there are sometimes those days where nothing goes right. It feels like we are drowning and have lost control. I haven't ever experienced this feeling more than I have this semester. “My heart is heavy, and my mind won't sleep.” This is my favorite part because it seems to be so true for me. Some days I can't even sleep because I just can't stop thinking. Sometimes, our fears feel so intensely real that we can't help but think about them. It helps, in this situation, to know that God is with us.

“I wanna run to You when the waves break through I wanna run to You and not turn back”

One of the reasons I think Needtobreathe is so good is because they are honest. It is pretty clear to me what they are talking about here. It is similar to what I talked about last time about giving all for something you love. You don't want to turn your back.

“There's no turning back Nothing in the past My eyes on You again Can't see nothing at all But Your outstretched arms Help me believe it Though I falter you got me walking on water”

When we do finally get our eyes on Christ and give all we have, that's all we need. We shouldn't let our past discourages us from looking to Christ. He does have his arm out reaching for you. "Falter" means to lose momentum or strength. That's why prayer is so necessary as we need to ask for God's help. “You got me walking on water.” If you think about the Gospel where Peter steps out of the boat, it is because of his faith in Christ that he is able to walk across the water toward Jesus. Then he looks down at the water and falls, losing faith in that moment. Sometimes, when we are going to fail or cannot make sense of something, it might make us frustrated. However, if we stayed set on Jesus, He will take care of it. He isn't going to let us drown.

“The ocean's singing, the song of grace But if I'm honest with myself, I am still afraid”

Sometimes, it is so clear what we are supposed to do. It seems clear how God wants to work in our lives. However, it can be hard to work past our fears. I often have found myself not acting on something because I am too afraid. I do not want my life to change, I do not want to lose people. I have always prayed and told God I will do his will. Sometimes however, He makes it clear that I somehow say no. The grace we need in life is there. We just have to accept it!

“I wanna run to You when the waves break through I'm gonna run to You and not turn back”

I like the distinction that is made here. This line starts by saying "I wanna run" then says "I'm gonna run." This goes back to that fear. Once we realize that we do want to follow Christ, we have to break that fear. To do this, you have to run after Him with all you have.

“I was sinking like a stone again I was halfway in the grave and then I looked up and saw Your face again You pulled me out of the water, water, water”

This makes me think of that passage from the Gospel again:

“Peter answered him, 'Lord if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.' He said, 'Come.' So Peter got out of the boat, started walking on the water, and came toward Jesus. But when he noticed the strong wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, 'Lord, save me!' Jesus immediately reached out his hand and caught him..." -Matthew 14:22-23

Jesus is always there for us. We just need to trust that Him.

Just my thoughts.

Go With God,


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