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Where are You going?

I am going to combine the last two questions

The next one that was asked was “where are you going?” This is such an important thing to ask ourselves. Where are our actions leading us? Where are our thoughts focused? I often lose focus and I start to worry about unimportant things such as how much money I am making or others’ opinion of me. Where are these things taking me? Why does it matter if I am making as much money as another person? Don’t get me wrong, money is (unfortunately) necessary and sometimes, it is important to consider what other people think of you. But why do we sometimes put these primarily superficial concerns above God? Why has society put so much emphasis into things like this? Our main concern should not be how much money we make.

“Now a large herd of swine was feeding there on the hillside. And they pleaded with him, "Send us into the swine. Let us enter them." And he let them, and the unclean spirits came out and entered the swine. The herd of about two thousand rushed down a steep bank into the sea, where they were drowned. The swineherds ran away and reported the incident in the town and throughout the countryside.” MK 5:1-20

If you haven’t read this whole verse is it about a man who is possessed by demons. Jesus cast out the demons and sends them into the swine. There were about 3,000 swine that ended up drowning. They were probably worth a good amount of money and could have fed a lot of people. However, Jesus let them drown for the salvation of one man. The money did not matter, it was about the man’s soul. Let the money go if it isn’t helping you get to heaven. Our path to heaven has to be right before we can worry about the earthly things.

Where are you going?

Are your actions helping you get to heaven? If not, you should ask yourself why you are doing these things. Your salvation is more important than making money. Your salvation is more important than anything you could imagine. Re-ask yourself where you are headed and seriously consider the answer. Pray about it.

Do you have anything worth living for?

The previous question flows into this last one. Do you have anything worth living for? If your immediate answer is no, then perhaps you need to seriously rethink your life. Ask yourself these questions that I have been discussing. Family and friends, the ability to serve and bring joy to others are all worth living for. Heaven is worth living for. The fact that God has given us the gift of life is worth living for. When you get to the end of your life are you going to say “man I made a lot of money, and that was a life well spent” Probably not… when you get to the end are you going to be able to tell the Lord all that you did for him and his people? You are going to die. Make your life worth something and give it to the Lord! “Somebody should tell us, right at the start of our lives, that we are dying. Then we might live life to the limit, every minute of every day. Do it! I say. Whatever you want to do, do it now! There are only so many tomorrows.” ~ Pope Paul VI

Just my thoughts


Go With God

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