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Time to Move on

In one of the last chapters of the last book of C.S Lewis’ Space Trilogyall of the main characters are sitting around a table. The characters are just being themselves, having a meal and enjoying each other’s company. The main character stops talking and just sits there. When he is asked why, he explains that sometimes you just need to sit back and enjoy. This moment was the biggest thing that stuck out to me from all 3 of these books.

I read these books awhile ago but lately I cannot stop thinking about this scene. The last two years of my life have been full of so much change. Three years ago, I wouldn’t have been able to even guess at all that has happened. I started school at somewhere new. I made lots of good friends but kept my old friends. I dated. I graduated. I laughed a lot and cried some too. I learned more about being myself and about how to treat others. I learned more about Jesus and His great love for me. These past few years have truly been some of the best years of my life! The last few days, as I have been looking back at these two wonderful years, I realized all the great moments that I had are now over for good! I miss them all. These times were so good! I’m glad to have had them but as I’ve been remembering these moments, I feel this sense of rush in a lot of those moments. I never thought I would miss them. I was in such a hurry to make sure everything was the way I wanted it that I never really sat back and just enjoyed where I was.

That is all fine, but it just makes me think about what I am doing at this moment. I need to sit back and enjoy these moments. The other day, I was talking to a good friend who is always busy. He said that he wished he wasn’t so busy. If you don’t want to be busy, don’t be. Drop something and make time for the things and people you don’t want to miss one day. Make time for the people who you can be the best you around. Make time for the things that are going to change. Once they are gone, it is just a memory which you can only look back at. Do you want to remember these memories with stress? Or sorrow? Every moment from God is a gift and should be treated as such.

Side note:I don't think you should drop something that you have committed and where people are relying on you. Just finish it out, but if no one will be affected then maybe you should.. Pray about it. End side note

Yes, God wants us to prepare for the rest of our lives and we should always be looking toward Heaven. You should keep that in your sights. But you should also enjoy this life and live one day at a time. You may not be as close to every friend you have. Enjoy the relationships you have while you can. Your family might not always be there so enjoy them while you can. All the time you have, use it! You might not have it one day. Use your time intentionally and fully use every second. Never be afraid to call that friend you miss or haven’t talked to in a while. Treat every visit with someone as if they were going to die tomorrow and your life depended on what they were saying. Love without fear and Know that God is near.

“Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.”

― Mother Teresa

“We are not the sum of our weaknesses and failures; we are the sum of the Father’s love for us and our real capacity to become the image of his Son.” -JP2

Just my thoughts

Go with God


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